junk bond

[dʒʌŋk bɔnd]
  • 释义
  • 不值钱的债券,垃圾债券;后保债券,价格低但风险大的债券;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    Once a country is in the junk bond category , no reputation is left.

    一个国家的国债一旦被评为“垃圾债券”, 该国就没什么名誉可言了.

  • 2、

    The average yield on a junk bond is more than 20 % now, according to Merrill Lynch.


  • 3、

    Meanwhile, Boston Scientific's credIt'standing with ratings agencies this month fell into junk bond territory.

    同时, 波士顿科技公司的债券信用评级在这个月降为“垃圾债券”的状态.

  • 4、

    GM debt , once considered the highest investment grade, has tumbled to low - rated , junk bond status.


  • 5、

    More recently, there have also been some flows into junk bond funds.

    最近, 还有一些资金流入了垃圾级债券基金.

  • 6、

    Michael Milken will always be synonymous with the term junk bond king.


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